
Essay On How To Handle Rude Customer

essay on how to handle rude customer

Queer and Loathing in America

Super Bowl Sunday!


Lots to do, little time to do it--same song, different verse, is it not? I'm going to the gym in a bit to do some cardio, and then I'm coming home to finish edits on a manuscript that HAS to be finished and sent back to the author today. I need to get this finished so I can start editing another one and I really need to be writing as well.


I started working on a short story the other day when I was stuck on the book, and now all I want to do is finish the damned short story despite the looming deadline. Does this happen to other writers? I get so irritated because I want to be writing something different than what I am supposed to be working on. Heavy heaving sigh.

I did take the time this morning to fill out a "Delta Airlines customer service survey" they sent me because my flight was delayed on the way back from New York a few weekends ago. Over all, I was pretty pleased with how it all played out--they handled the delay and the rebooking really well. I only had half an hour to change planes to begin with, and wound up being able to leisurely have lunch and read as a result.

However, the gate agent on my new connecting flight was a rude bitch, and I just wrote Delta a detailed essay on the subject just now.

You stupid rude bitch, don't you understand your airline sends out REQUESTS on how we did when you have a delayed and inconvenienced passenger? And obviously, you had no idea that the man with the shaved head and the Saints sweatshirt you were such a bitch to was not only a former airline employee (who knows precisely what a gate agent can and cannot do) but someone who makes a good portion of his income writing, did you?

Heh heh. You get what you deserve, bitch. It's called 'paying it forward.'

And in THIS economy, why would ANYONE risk their job by being rude and bitchy?

I closed with, It really is unfortunate that one incredibly rude and nasty employee can overrule the favorable impression made by all the hard work and courtesy of a team of employees, isn't it? But unfortunately, that is the case, and why would I ever risk the chance of having to deal with this surly, unprofessional woman who clearly thinks the passengers who pay her salary are a HUGE inconvenience to her again?

Oh, I doubt Delta will fire her--but I just guaranteed her next annual raise will be smaller. And I doubt very seriously I am the first--or will be the last--passenger to complain about her.


And so, back to the spice mines.

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my desk

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