
How To Kill

how to kill

How To Kill Ivy Effectively « Business Centired

There is no denying that few things are more attractive than the lush green of ivy growing up the wall of a red brick building. When allowed to continue growing unhampered, this plant has been seen to nearly consume an entire building. It is hoped that the suggestions offered here will enable you in finding ways on how to kill ivy.

Rather than try and get rid of it, some people will just trim it and let it go. This will require a certain amount of work as spring and summer are its best growing seasons and rainfall only hastens the growth. If you happen to be a person that finds this a source of an allergic reaction for you, it is best to get rid of it the best way you can.

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There are a number of herbicides that are said to be effective in killing ivy. If you are using one of those applications, don't be discouraged if the herbicide needs to be repeated on more than one occasion. Only killing the root will kill the plant and this can take time.

The herbicide needs to get into the ground and destroy the root of the plant. If removing the root gets rid of the plant, you would think you could simply pull the root out of the ground. That is a good idea, but only in theory.

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What a lot of people do not realize is that the root of this plant is very fine. When you attempt to pull it out of the ground, you will always get a lot of the root, but the smallest piece that is left behind will result in the plants continued growth. If nothing else, this plant is known for its resilience and hardiness.

It is necessary to dig about six inches below the grounds surface and mix the herbicides right into the soil. The odds are better this way that the herbicide will kill the plant at its root source. Even then the application may need to be repeated. If you are planning on getting rid of ivy, only persistence will pay off.

When all has failed, talk over the problem with someone at the garden store. They may have suggestions that you never thought of. They may even advise using a mix of herbicides to kill the plant, roots and all. Knowing how to kill ivy will take a lot of persistence.

For anyone who has wondered how to kill poison ivy, help is available online. You can learn how to kill ivy without endangering yourself or other plants.

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